It all starts and ends with you.
Are you showing up as an asset or are you behaving like a liability in your business?
You’re probably thinking I’m an asset! It’s my business – without me there would be nothing. And that is true, however, if you aren’t continually investing in yourself, your leadership skills and your team, you are becoming a liability in your business.
Ever heard the saying, if you aren’t growing your decaying? This statement is incredibly true when it comes to you and your leadership – in and out of the office. If you are not intentionally growing your mindset, your skillset and, if you are leading a team – your team’s skills, you are in a state of decay. It may not happen overnight, however in time the lack of growth will always lead to a decline.
“If you aren’t growing you, how in the world do you expect your team, your clients or your business to grow?”
When I meet business owners who share with me that their business, while doing well, has not grown in 6 months, a year, several years, it’s an immediate red flag for me. 99.9% of the time what’s happened is they got so focused on surviving and keeping all the “balls in the air”, they took their foot off the proverbial gas pedal and went into “cruise control”.
After this past year with a pandemic, we’ve experienced first hand that unexpected potholes, detours, cracks in the foundation and accidents happen along the way.
Leading your business with “cruise control” does not account for these and subsequently will rarely get you where you planned on going.
As the CEO, your intentional and continual growth is paramount to the growth you seek in your business. Honestly, “if you aren’t growing you, you risk being the greatest LIMITATION in your business”. PERIOD.
I get it – growth is not always comfortable. Stretching yourself to become a greater version of yourself can be scary at times. Pushing yourself to show up differently, to test new processes and procedures, to hire new team members, to increase your rates, to get out there and actually share who you are and the value you and your team brings to your audience….is exciting AND, it nerve wracking!
The good news is, when you are both excited and scared to embark on new initiatives, new goals, new habits – you are right where you want to be.
There’s a common saying out there that is powerful – nothing changes, if nothing changes.
Or another favorite, “if you always do, what you’ve always done, you’ll always get, what you’ve always got.” ~ Henry Ford
Both of these simply say, if you want new results (in business, in relationships, in finances, in fitness, in health) new levels of thought and action are required (or in other terms a new way of BEing and DOing).
Growth doesn’t have to be overwhelming.
It doesn’t have to require immense time commitments.
Growth does require you to be intentional and disciplined with your time.
Growth also requires you to be open and willing to grow.
Most importantly, like a child swinging across the monkey bars on a playground, growth requires you to let go of where you are right now, in order to reach for where you want to go next.
Growth does not need to be a “massive” jump. It does not mandate a grind and hustle philosophy. And for anyone who knows me, you know this is absolutely NOT a philosophy I subscribe to. In my opinion, success is much more enjoyable when it’s created with grace and ease. A topic for another blog at a later date.
As for avenues of growth, it can be achieved by reading books and implementing what you learn. It can be challenging yourself to do something you’ve not yet done like hiring for a newly created position on your team. It can be hiring a coach to support you with vision, goal setting, action planning and implementation and/or overall accountability.
I’ll ask you again, are you and your leadership an asset or a liability to your business?
If you are not committed daily to growing and stretching yourself, you are absolutely at RISK of being the greatest limitation in your business. Read that again, and let it sink in.
Take Action

Take a few seconds right now to write down 3 things you will do this week to help YOU grow.
Want to get more information on strengthening your leadership, click here to learn more about my next Master Class: Leadership-Profits-Freedom.
Continue the series with Part 2 – Your LEADERSHIP of Others.
Are you Ready for More?
Dana Earhart Coaching helps their clients move the needle in their business further and faster than doing it alone.
Don’t fly SOLO!